Planning for the ACT, SAT and subject tests for spring and summer 2017

  • When to test? Evaluating testing options for second semester of junior year.

    16 Nov 2017
    Ron Michalak

    This is the second part of our two-part article on understanding when to take the ACT.  Our last article concluded by recommending that high school juniors plan to take both an ACT and the PSAT during first semester.  In doing so, your student would have test results from both the ACT and the PSAT by January.  This would give you and your student the opportunity to compare performances on the tests and determine if your student has a scoring advantage on one of the tests and/or a preference for one of the tests.

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  • Anxious about your student’s standardized testing? Relax. Breakaway’s got you covered.

    1 Oct 2017
    Ron Michalak

    Nearly every day, the Breakaway team speaks with parents about the ACT, SAT, the challenges of standardized testing and what an appropriate plan of preparation looks like.  Because we have the good fortune to work with students from more than 60 high schools from throughout the Metro Area, northern Iowa and western Wisconsin, Breakaway brings an expertise in both helping put together robust, effective plans of test preparation and generating results.  If you’re anxious about your student’s standardized testing, relax.  Breakaway can help.  Below, please find an article describing a general plan for taking the ACT and SAT during junior year.  The Breakaway team stands ready to help develop a customized plan of preparation for your student.  Feel free to call us anytime to discuss a plan for your student.  Our contact information is below.  Thank you for reading our article.

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  • How a good ACT score can help your student secure a merit award

    5 Jun 2017
    Ron Michalak

    Earlier this year, I had the good fortune of attending several college planning seminars, including a terrific one that Breakaway hosted in May with Julie Ekkers. As the parent of a current high school junior and a college freshman, I have taken in the information as eagerly as the fellow parents in attendance. All of us are trying to identify ways of helping our students not only gain admission to a college that is a good fit, but also to make college as affordable as possible.

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  • Planning for the ACT, SAT and subject tests for spring and summer 2017

    13 Apr 2017
    Ron Michalak

    The (temporary?) change in weather is a good reminder that spring and summer are just around the corner, and having a plan to help get your sophomore or junior ready for the standardized tests is essential.

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  • The benefits of taking a practice test

    10 Nov 2016
    Ron Michalak

    One of the best things a student can do to prepare for a real ACT or SAT is to take a full-length proctored practice test. Breakaway offers regular weekend practice tests throughout the year to give students multiple opportunities to experience the “test situation”.  We offer practice ACTs, SATs, and PSATs, and also offer extended time testing for students who are approved (50% more time).

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  • Your student just took the PSAT. Now what?

    10 Nov 2016
    Ron Michalak

    On October 19, tens of thousands of Minnesota high school students along with millions of others from around the nation took thePSAT.  For most students, it was an introduction to college-level standardized testing done in a low-stakes environment as performance on that test does not factor into college admissions decisions.

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  • Pursuing accommodations on the ACT and SAT

    15 Sep 2016
    Ron Michalak

    For parents of students with learning issues, such as dyslexia, dyscalculia and executive functioning issues, or attention disorders, such as ADHD, it is never too early to develop a plan to pursue accommodations for your student for the ACT and/or SAT.  Historically, the ACT and the College Board (SAT’s parent) have granted time extensions for testing to students with diagnosed learning disabilities and/or attention disorders who have also had and used such accommodations at school.  Both the ACT and the College Board will evaluate a student’s application for extended time based on the diagnosis, as well as documentation such as a 504 plan and/or IEP (individualized education plan) from the student’s high school.  Thus, making sure you have that documentation in order is a good first step.  Such documentation includes:

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