The benefits of taking a practice test

10 Nov 2016
Ron Michalak

One of the best things a student can do to prepare for a real ACT or SAT is to take a full-length proctored practice test. Breakaway offers regular weekend practice tests throughout the year to give students multiple opportunities to experience the “test situation”.  We offer practice ACTs, SATs, and PSATs, and also offer extended time testing for students who are approved (50% more time).

The practice tests give students helpful experience taking a test in a realistic testing environment, surrounded by peers feeling the same sense of pressure and, at times, anxiety or unease.  While doing practice tests at home is helpful for a student to gain familiarity with the concepts tested and the pacing necessary for success, that exercise is not as instructive as completing a 3 to 4-hour test in a simulated testing environment.

In addition, if you are looking for a reliable indication of how well your student will perform on a real ACT or SAT, the practice tests will give you realistic, actionable data to make good decisions about how much prep and the type of prep your student may need to help get his/her score in line with scoring goals.

All tests held at Breakaway‘s offices (3440 Beltline Blvd., Suite 106, St. Louis Park, MN 55416).  Tests start at 9:00am sharp; students must be at the test center no later than 8:40am on the day of the test with two #2 pencils and a calculator.  Please visit the “Practice Tests” page to see a list of upcoming test dates and register your student for a test.